View your account online!

From 30th June, the current landlord online account system is being retired.  We have reviewed the number of users, and have realised it was not doing what we needed it to do, with very few landlords using it. We have implemented a new system, built on the back of the fantastic upgrades to our agency software, AgentOS.  This new online system will be going live from 1st July 2022.

As Standard:  Account overview – includes rent chasing notes

As Standard: Property Overview

Clicking through a property – further details including certs

Income, Expenditure, Statements, Profit and Loss, and… your personal tax return!

This new system is a game changer in keeping you informed.  You will be able to see any statements, payments made in and out, get a personalised tax return created (normally charged for), as well as a profit and loss breakdown. Note that this system does not include maintenance – a separate dashboard is available for this (by the same link as below). If you have any questions please do not hesitate to let us know! From the 1st July onwards we will be sending out password reset emails – use these to logon to your account.

Once set up – log on to your account!

Published by: Simon Topple on June 22, 2022